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Customer Success Software that Integrates With Less Accounting

Less Accounting is an accounting software company. Less Accounting features include bookkeeping, expense tracking, invoicing, proposals, contact management, accounting workflows, accounting reporting, bank data importing and integration. Less Accounting also integrates with other third party applications such as InvoiceSherpa, ZenCash, PayPal, Highrise, Basecamp and Shopify.

Allan Branch and Steven Bristol, co-founders at Less Everything Inc, a Ruby on Rails (RoR) web application development company, co-founded Less Accounting in 2006. The company headquarters are located in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. There are three subscriptions available Freelancer at $20 per month, Small Business at $36 per month and Super Powered at $54 per month. Less Accounting also offers a free 14 day trial of their products.

Your Less Accounting Customer Data in Akita

  • Once connected, your Akita account will begin populating with your Less Accounting data.
  • This data will appear alongside all yor other customer interactions for a 360° view.

  • Segment your accounts based on data from your Less Accounting account, and from your other business tools.

  • Define lifecycle stages and make sure customers stay on track.

  • Build Customer Success playbooks, alerts, health scores and more — all using the wealth of data gathered from your integrations.